It was a busy day for me, but I had planned ahead and bought cotton yarn in the "Mistletoe" and "Dark Pine" colors. I hoped to get a bright red too, but our local Wal*mart only had the country red, which looks pinkish to me.

I bought the yarn because I wanted to try out a pattern for square crocheted coasters a friend had told me about. I thought they would be pretty in Christmas colors. This is the result. I like it, but think I would prefer solid colors for the richer look they give. And I think maybe a picot edging might look nice, too.

I also sipped some Twining's Christmas Tea (bought on clearance after Christmas!)

and browsed through some Christmas cookbooks for inspiration:
Gooseberry Patch Farmhouse Christmas (which I was "published" in!)

and The Christmas Kitchen, by Tammy Maltby.

I couldn't resist buying this while we were off on our getaway in January. I'm enjoying it for the prose as well as for the recipes.
And, to top it off, my Christmas cactus actually celebrated by blooming on Rudy Day!

What fun!