Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A mini Christmas in September

We hung a string of lights and brought a mini decorated tree.
I can only take a moment, but wanted to quickly post a couple of pictures from our weekend and the mini Christmas we had on Saturday night.  We never get to have Christmas all together, so this little bit of Christmasing was a treat.  We drew names ahead of time -- adults with adults and kids with kids; there were 15 of us in all -- and then shopped at the dollar store.  A fun time was had by all!

Some of the celebrants

Although this one does not show our Christmas as such, I wanted to add it because it shows the beauty of our weekend's surroundings.  Perhaps later I can post more of the pictures of our mini Christmas!


  1. What a great idea to have a mini-Christmas! I'm so glad you all had the chance to be together & it looks like the surroundings were beautiful!

  2. Mary Ann!

    It is so good to see you here again. How are things going with the job situation?

    I had read the idea somewhere of a family that had a weekend reunion and they celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas during that time. I thought it would be fun to do that on a small scale, since we are almost never all together for those holidays. So we did do both -- the "Christmas" while up north (and yes, the surroundings, both outdoors and in, were beautiful!) and then on Darrin's birthday we had a turkey dinner (with pumpkin and apple pie as well as birthday cake for dessert)during which we went around the table and shared what we are thankful for. I hope we can do this again the next time they come (it's likely to be several years) and sort of keep up that tradition, as it did make things very special.

  3. What a wonderful idea!! I have not visited your Christmas blog in a while but I am going to be checking in more frequently as the holidays approach! You have such good ideas!

  4. Thanks, Arlene!

    I cannot claim the mini-Christmas idea as original, but I did put the drawing names/dollar store spin on it. That worked out so nicely. Just goes to show you don't need to plan far ahead or spend much money at all to have fun exchanging gifts!

    Looking forward to seeing you here more often! I hope to post here every few days as I find ideas and links that might help us all have a more blessed and less stressful Christmas season.


Thanks for visiting my Christmas kitchen! I love company here in my kitchen all year round, so please leave a comment so I'll know you visited. I will answer any questions and comments here on the blog, so be sure and check "notify me" to see replies. God bless your day!