Saturday, December 07, 2024

A sweet little vintage Christmas card


 Here is an adorable little vintage Christmas card that I recently came across.  This is a pre-owned card, sent in 1963 -- which I know because the sender thoughtfully added the date.  I will probably sell it in my Etsy shop.  It features a wreath crafted from straw or wheat, with a simple red ribbon bow.  

Then, on or around the wreath are various beautiful, colorful songbirds.  A chickadee, goldfinch, blue jay, nuthatch, cardinal and bluebird are pictured.  I am not sure of that bird at lower right.  I think maybe it's intended to be a robin, but it seems a little small for a robin. 

The inside of the card, as you can see bears a very simple message:

Isn't that vintage font wonderful, though? 

I don't know who Mae S. was, but I like her dashing handwriting and her use of red ink to write her Christmas cards.  There are so many treasures to be found among vintage cards and stationery!

1 comment:

  1. The bird on the bottom right looks like some kind of swallow...he has a split tail and wings like a swallow. But I didn't know they had red breasts. I just looked him up and I think he is a Barn Swallow. I love the vintage card and yes, the old handwriting is wonderful. I would've liked Mae S., because she likes birds! Lovely post. Thank you for sharing this sweet card with us.


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