Saturday, March 01, 2014

Another marvelous Christmas poem ~ "Festive Christmas"

Small vintage card from my collection
I'm continuing to browse through those older November/December issues of Country Woman magazine.  The 1992 issue has been a real treasure trove of poems and recipes.  The Readers' Poetry Corner featured another poem by Shirley Harvey.  Here it is:

Festive Christmas
The town is dressed in Christmas fare
With stars and tinsel everywhere,
Bright lights strung around the yards,
And folks all writing Christmas cards.

A dust of snow is on the hills,
Red candles shine from windowsills;
And stockings hung on mantel places
Will soon bring smiles to little faces.

Loved ones come from far away
to share the blessings of the day --
This special day of Jesus' birth,
This time of joy and peace on earth.
-- Shirley Harvey
    Barre, Vermont

Again, Shirley Harvey's Christmas poetry touches a nostalgic chord in me.  Stars, tinsel, Christmas lights ... and my childhood home had hills ringing it where a dust of snow would be simply beautiful, especially the season's first snow.  I picture the colored candoliers shining from my grandmother's window sills in the old white farmhouse ... oh, how times have changed.  We have lost so much of the innocent beauty of days gone by.  I, for one, intend to keep doing all that I can to keep it alive.


  1. How lovely the words of this poem are, thanks for sharing them. I can picture the scene...

  2. Makes me feel all warm & comfy

  3. Hi Eileen and Luludou!

    Yes, it does make one feel warm and cozy, doesn't it? I can just picture the scene too ... I have some Christmas cards in my collection that feature paintings by Fred Swan, a Vermont artist. Since this poem was written by a Vermonter, I can *really* picture it. Beautiful.


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