Friday, December 28, 2012

A few minutes with my Christmas notebook

Several times during the past few days I have brewed a cup of Candy Cane Lane tea and spent a few minutes with my Christmas notebook.  (If you'd like to know more about this notebook and how I use it, click on "Christmas notebook" in the word cloud of labels in the sidebar for more posts about it.)

One thing I always like to do is to take a fresh sheet of Christmas-themed computer paper (always on clearance, at least at Walmart, this time of year) and list down everything that I gave for Christmas gifts this year.  Yes, I already made a list, but things changed, of course.  I couldn't find a particular gift, I changed my mind, etc. etc.  I started the list in January 2012 and by the time Christmas came around, my list had been scribbled on, crossed out, and so on.  So that there will be no confusion next year and I don't give someone a duplicate book or whatever, I make a nice, neat list.  Then I tuck it in the "Christmas Past" section at the back of my notebook.

And I start a new list for the coming Christmas.  Some things stay the same, pretty much.  For instance, we always give my mother-in-law a tub of bran muffin batter, a jar of hot chocolate mix (both homemade) and a bag or box of clementines.  So that is already on 2013's Christmas list next to her name.

I look over my crafting time lines and add in new projects I want to start and note whether I need to buy materials for them.

I also like to note any new recipes we tried and how we liked them.  And I make a note of any new decorations we added, where we put them, etc.

It's a great feeling to start with next year's Christmas planning.  So brew yourself a cup of holiday tea and get started!  You'll be glad you did.


  1. I always enjoy reading organizing tips. I have a Christmas notebook that I keep year 'round too. The day after Christmas I always sit down and review what worked, what didn't work, and what I'd like to try the next year. It sure helps when I pull it out the next Autumn for review!

  2. Hi Vicki!

    The day after Christmas is a great day for this sort of thinking/planning. I don't always get it all done in one day, but by taking a few minutes at a time it gets done. So helpful for next year!


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