I don't think the interest in decorative items featuring Christmas trees tied to vehicles is going away anytime soon. It's definitely not going anywhere as far as I'm concerned. I always look forward every year to spotting the first Christmas tree tied to a car top. In fact, living where we do, we are very apt to see large tractor-trailer loads of Christmas trees headed south from northern New Hampshire or Maine. Of course we tend to see those long before Thanksgiving -- and Thanksgiving afternoon is usually the first time we will see a Christmas tree atop a car or in the back of a truck.
I've saved a bunch of car-top Christmas tree ideas to my various Christmas boards on Pinterest, and thought I would share a few of them today. First, the one that's probably my favorite, the ornament pictured at the top of the post. Linda shares the tutorial at
It All Started with Paint. I am seriously thinking of making some of these if I can find nifty-looking vehicles that are small enough to fit inside the ornaments.
The other ideas are in no particular order, and I'll give credit where it's due and links to the various blogs so you can check them out for yourselves. So next is a fun idea for using a tree in a toy truck as a table centerpiece. This is from Christy at
Our Southern Home.
Here's another truck idea, this one from Faye at
Wild Rose Vintage. I love the way Faye has added more trees with shiny baubles and surrounded the truck with vintage ornaments. I think we have a toy truck around that's somewhat similar to this. Maybe ...
We'll continue with the truck theme, I guess. Check out this pretty idea from Malia at
Yesterday on Tuesday. Love the wreath on the front of the pickup truck! You can't tell by looking at this picture below, but this truck and its surrounding scene are inside a large cake dome atop a white cake plate. Very pretty!
Here's one last truck idea -- love this one! It's from Vicky, from
Life on Willie Mae Lane. She has loads of wonderful decorating ideas in this post!
Now we'll shift back to cars for a minute. Up next is a car with tree terrarium shared by Jen at
City Farmhouse. I like the way she uses a slice of birch tree, complete with bark, as the base. Very creative and different!
The next idea is a fun and whimsical find from Vicky at
Life on Willie Mae Lane.
I wouldn't mind finding a set of these plates -- as Vicky did -- somewhere! She found hers at Tuesday Morning.
Here's a fun vignette from Kimberley at
Seaside Ave.
There's a lot going on in this scene, but I love it!
Next is a nifty centerpiece put together by Mary Beth at
Cupcakes and Crinoline.
This one also has a lot going on, but it's festive and different. I like the wrapped packages and the candy canes and evergreen sprigs!
And now for something very different:
Thoughts from Alice shares an adorable printable Christmas village including ... yes, you guessed it! Printable Christmas trees on cars! There is much more to the printable village than what you see below, but it's a sample of the delightful artwork.
Isn't it cute? I need to print out one of these. I'm one of those people who has never outgrown things like cutting, pasting, and coloring. And I have no plans to outgrow it.
Just two more. These are a bit unusual. The first one does not contain a tree on the vehicle at all, but it could. One could easily put a tree or trees in the trailer rather than the cargo of ornaments. This is a vignette by Robin from
Happy at Home. I'm pretty sure my kids had a tractor like this, but it may or may not have been painted blue...
You will want to check out Robin's entire post; there are some fantastic decorating ideas here!
My last feature is this whimsical idea from Diane at
An Extraordinary Day.
Diane has a real flair for creating vignettes, and this one is unusual and fun, with Santa in a bumper car bringing home the tree atop a vintage camper.
Hope you've enjoyed these fun ideas!