Sunday, July 23, 2023

Another beautiful Christmas poem


Today I'm sharing another poem from an older Ideals Christmas magazine.   This is such a beautiful description of a festive Christmas room.


A golden taper burning on the table,
A pine tree dressed in brightly colored light,
A row of boxes tied with scarlet ribbons,
A single star appearing in the night.

A wreath of evergreens outside the window,
The mistletoe and holly spread galore,
The smoldering branches in the open fireplace,
A group of carolers singing at the door.

The smell of ginger cookies in the oven,
A beaming child that scurries far and near,
The twinkling eyes, the ringing merry laugher --
Oh, Christmas, what a joyous time of year!

-- Carolyn Sue Peterson

I couldn't find a vintage Christmas card in my collection that really fit the picture this poem conjures up.  So I ended up choosing two -- a living room (I think) and a kitchen.

What a joyous time of year indeed!  I can almost smell those ginger cookies baking in the oven, can't you?


  1. "The smell of ginger cookies in the oven...." Years ago we had a Basset Hound named Elmer and a Beagle named Patches. I baked Gingerbread Men to hang on the family Christmas tree. WHAT A DUMB IDEA!!! When nobody was in sight, the dogs tore down the Christmas tree so they could eat those cookies! (sigh, smile) That was some 30 years ago. I'm a lot smarter now.

  2. So funny, Barbara! I was always tempted to try hanging gingerbread men on the tree, but never did. I made those cinnamon applesauce ornaments instead and they served the same purpose.

  3. Haha Barbara's comment got me laughing. Beautiful poem


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