Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The miscellaneous cooking/baking list


 This is a new list for this year.  I haven't actually written out a list like this before, but I think that I should because I always end up cooking and baking some things that fall under this category.  And the older I get, the less I can rely on my memory for mental lists.

This list will likely be added to along the way, but these are the miscellaneous things I'm planning as of now.

We'll be attending a Christmas party this weekend.  My hubby volunteered to bring a large tray of his famous cookies, and I offered to bring a cheese log and crackers.

Friends of ours who live exceedingly busy lives will be welcoming a houseful of guests over Christmas.  When this happens, I like to help them out by preparing some frozen entrees, some breakfast foods, and an assortment of cookies.  So this year I plan to make granola, some muffins or coffee cake, two frozen lasagnas and two pans of cheeseburger macaroni.  We will also give them an assortment of cookies in a large plastic container to keep in the freezer and bring out as needed.

Maybe you've never thought of making a miscellaneous list like this.  But you just might need one!

1 comment:

  1. I make a list like this, but I've figured out over the years that november is the time to have casseroles in the freezer. I always try to fill the freezer for the holidays in case we have guests. but as we grow older we have less and less guests stay over


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