Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Another vintage kids' book ~ The Animals' Merry Christmas

When our kids were young, we had the equivalent of this book contained within one of a four-volume set of Richard Scarry anthologies.  If your kids or grandkids are not familiar with Richard Scarry, they (and you!) are missing out.  His art and stories are both fantastic and so much fun for kids.

This Little Golden Book (copyright 1950, 1958) actually was written by Kathryn B. Jackson, but the pictures are all Richard Scarry, and just beautiful.  The book contains four Christmas stories:  Mr. Hedgehog's Christmas Present, The Singing Christmas Tree, The Cold Little Squirrel, and The Long-Ago Donkey.  It also includes two Christmas poems: Green Christmas and A Very Small Christmas.

The poem Green Christmas was a favorite of my children, so I will quote it here:

Green Christmas
"It's almost Christmas, and still no snow!"
Cry the woodland creatures.  "We still can go
Out of our houses to search for roots
And seeds in the dry grass, and maybe shoots
Of fern and fennel that think it's spring.
We may find acorns -- 'most anything
That's good to eat may be in sight
For Christmas dinner, on such a night,
When the ground is bare of ice and snow,
And stars are bright, and the winds don't blow.
Hurrah for Christmas and still no snow!"

"It's almost Christmas, and still no snow!"
Sigh the townsfolk, wishing the wind would blow.
"Our doors are wreathed with pine and holly,
And our Christmas trees would look extra jolly
Blazing with lights -- if the snow came down
Deep and white all over the town!
Why doesn't the sky go wooly gray?
Why doesn't it snow for Christmas Day?
It's not like Christmas without some snow!"
Sigh the townsfolk, wishing the wind would blow --

BUT -- 
"Hurrah for Christmas and still no snow!"
Cry the woodland creatures, and out they go.
-- Kathryn B. Jackson

Such a fun poem.  Helps kids to see that there may be more than one side to a story!

If you've not seen this book, I'm pretty sure you could find one on eBay or Etsy.  With its four separate stories and two poems, it would be a great addition to your family's library of Christmas books!


  1. Thanks so much for the words to "Green Christmas". I had this book in my classroom and read it to my Grade Ones and Twos. I left my books there when I retired 18 years ago and I could only remember the first few lines and now I have the whole poem.

  2. Charlotte Cote9:32 AM

    Thank you for sharing 'Green Christmas ' . It was one of my favorites as a child, and I too could only remember a few lines. I was able to purchase a used 1958 copy on ebay for less than $10.


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