Wednesday, January 22, 2014

One more verse from the Christmas card banners

A page from one of my vintage Christmas carol booklets
Back before Christmas, I wrote about how my granddaughter and I made fun banners from some old Christmas cards.  It was especially neat that some of them were made with the messages and greetings from inside the cards, not just pictures from the fronts.  I've shared a few of these messages already, and here is one more -- the last one I'll share.

"We were not there to hear or see,
But our hopes and dreams of eternity
Are centered around that holy story
When God sent us His Son in glory.
And no event ever left behind
A transformation of this kind ...
So question and search
and doubt, if you will,
But the story of Christmas is living still."
~ Helen Steiner Rice

I recently heard of an elementary school teacher in our area who was trying to explain the true meaning of Christmas to her students.  It seems that only one or two of the children had any idea that Christmas had anything at all to do with a Baby in a manger.  Still, as the poem says, the Christmas story is ever-living.  Are we sharing it?

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