Friday, July 21, 2023

A vintage farmyard Christmas card


 This is a sweet vintage card I found in the stash I am trying to list on Etsy.  Oh, my, I think I must have thousands of cards still to list.  And so little time.  But this one is too cute not to share.

So many details!  The farmer hanging a wreath while his wife looks on apprehensively (that ladder does look pretty rickety).  Chickens and roosters eye the farmer from above and below.  In the barn, a cow inspects the Christmas tree by the light of a wall lantern.

Inside the card, a very large barrel contains candy sticks and holly, while a green-eyed black cat peeks from behind the barrel.  The greeting wishes the recipient a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in a jolly vintage font.

The tall thin size of the card is nifty, also, and I like how the lantern motif is repeated on the front, back, and the inside of the card.  I'm guessing this card is from the 1950s -- it's a Sunshine Card.

Just a fun little card!  Hope you enjoyed seeing it!


  1. I love this card, and also the one you shared yesterday with the little pop up church. This one reminded me of the house we lived in in Fryeburg, Maine. It had an attached old carriage house with a high lamp attached above the doors. It was too high for us to reach, and the driveway in front of it was slippery and sloped a bit, so really too dangerous for a ladder in winter. We had a friend and her husband who liked to pull pranks on us and one evening I got a phone call from "Pinky Flamingo", who was freezing in the wintry weather. I looked outside my window and could see "Pinky Flamingo" up on top of that lamp with a Christmas bow tied around it. How he ever got up there without someone falling or slipping on the ice is still a mystery, (or when they did it without our knowing it), but it stayed up there all winter long and we finally got it down in late spring! LOL. Thanks for the memories this stirred up of our New England winters.

  2. Oh, that is a funny story indeed, Pam! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. You have so many vintage cards to share with us... I love it


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