Thursday, July 06, 2023

Old-Fashioned Christmas coloring fun


 I recently came upon a website new to me, Paper Doll Review.  I loved paper dolls as a kid and often made my own using magazine advertisements as "fabric" to create their dresses and other outfits.  It's sad to me that today's girls don't seem as smitten with paper dolls as I was.  But hope springs eternal, and some of my younger granddaughters may yet take an interest in this classic activity.

This website has many different categories of paper dolls, and it has some coloring books as well.  I was thrilled to discover that it has a "Christmas Corner" with holiday paper dolls, coloring books, etc.  I took a screenshot of the Old-Fashioned Christmas coloring book:

You can find it here on the website and learn more details about it.

This Candy Cane House coloring book also looks like fun.  It's a reproduction from the 1950s and sells for $7.50.

There are a half-dozen more coloring books as well as other Christmas activities in this section of the website.  I'll be sharing more about the Christmas paper dolls later this month!


  1. Paper dolls were so much fun. On year I found a paper santa on line (don't remember the website) with clothes and I included these in some Christmas cards for fun

  2. Oh, what a great idea! I could do the same!


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