Monday, July 03, 2023

Aunt Mabel's pot holders


 My great-aunt Mabel had a wonderful idea that made bonus gifts out of scraps from other sewing projects.  She used to make flannel pajamas (maybe nightgowns for the girls, I'm not sure) for her grandchildren at Christmas time.  And then, from the flannel scraps plus other odds and ends for filling, she made sets of crazy-quilted pot holders to have on hand for small gifts.  Above you see a set of them.  I found maybe a half dozen sets of unused pot holders in my mother's linen closet.  What a find!

Here's another set:

And here is a very well-used pot holder which I finally brought myself to throw away:

 It helped to realize that I now have several unused sets to choose from!

She usually crazy-quilted the front of the holder and used a solid piece of flannel for the back.

Would you like to create some of these from your own flannel scraps?  I'm thinking that I would.  I found a great-looking tutorial here: Simple DIY Quilted Pot Holder from Scraps.

Happy sewing!


  1. LOVE those potholders! What a great idea! She was very smart and talented. If I were a better seamstress (or if my sewing machine worked better) I might try some. But I am afraid I don't have a lot of patience at sewing anymore. But I do love those potholders! Thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Aren't they sweet, Pam? I love sewing but I'm not very skilled anymore. I used to make dresses and outfits for my daughters and myself, but now I pretty much stick to straight seams.

  2. I love these! It's a wonderful gift from the heart.


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