Sunday, December 04, 2022

Sunday Scripture


 As I mentioned last week in my post about Advent and Christmas Bible studies,  in 2020 I used Peace, Be Still: A 31-Day Christmas prayer journal, from Women Living Well.  I had thought I might use some of my simple study from this book as Scripture Sunday posts for December.  I have decided to do so, using different posts on each of my blogs to keep it interesting for all of my readers.  I will take two from each week's study to use one each on my blogs, and maybe next December use more of them.

A note that this simple study does not use the SOAP method as my studies usually do.  This one includes a verse for the day, a thought for the day,  a reflection question for the day and space to write a prayer for each day.  I tended to look at the verse a little bit in depth, and I tended to answer the reflection question in the prayer, but of course you can use these components any way you choose.  Here goes with the study for Week 1, Day 2!

Verse for the day:

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."  (2 Timothy 3:16-17) 

My study:

All Scripture is God-breathed!  And it is profitable for:

* reproof
* correction
* instruction in righteousness

to this end:

that God's people will be spiritually mature and confident, equipped with all we need to do the good works He has planned for us to do.

I love what C.I. Scofield wrote about these verses:

"Every word of Scripture is God-breathed.  Without impairing the intelligence, individuality, literary style, or personal feeling of the human authors, God supernaturally directed the writing of Scripture so that they recorded in perfect accuracy His comprehensive and infallible revelation to man."

Reflection question:

How does this comfort you to know that you are never alone and that He is always with you?

My prayer:

"Dear God, I am so very thankful that You are my Wonderful Counselor!  Your Word gives me all that I need to be equipped for handling both the everyday and the extreme difficulties of this life.  "I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel." (Psalm 16:17) I praise You that You understand me when no one else does, and that You are there for me in every situation of life.  There is never a time when I am all alone.  This is incredibly comforting as I consider the difficulties that may lie ahead.  I thank and praise You so much for all that You are to me!  In Jesus' name, Amen."

That's the Sunday Scripture for today!  Hope it was a blessing to someone!



  1. God's Word is eternal, always there for us to give us comfort and exhortation and instruction when we need it most (which is all the time). I love this verse in particular because it gives us confidence that we can rely on God's Word to be true and perfect in every way.

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I enjoyed this. I appreciated your prayer.

  3. No matter what we face, He is always with us. So comforting. I sleep through the night in peace knowing this. When things go awry, He calms me down and shows me the answer I need. His Word is His love letter to us. We'll never completely plumb its depths. But we should try! ☺️


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